mercredi 20 avril 2016

Paramedic hypertext narrative

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It all started like this.

It all began when I finished secondary school. I was wondering if would go in Pre-Hospital Emergency Care or Nursing Program.

Choice 1: I go to Ahuntsic College in Pre-Hospital Emergency care
Choice 2: I go to Montmorency College in Nursing Program
Choice 3: I work at McDonald's for the rest of my life

Scene 1.

I finally went to Ahuntsic College in Pre-Hospital Emergency care.

Choice 1: I get hired in Montreal
Choice 2: Mmmmmh... Is that blood...?  

Scene 2.

I love my job! It is really made for me. I like to help people and to have a good satisfaction at the end of the day.

Choice 1: On my way for my third day of work
Choice 2: I take a day off

Scene 3.

I am now in my assigned ambulance and two calls pop up at the same time. You can only choose one out of two.

Call 1: 9-E-1 (Cardiac arrest on a 6 year old child)
Call 2: 24-D-4 (Iminent delivery with major bleeding)

Scene 4.

Start again: You couldn't save the child, you arrived too late. Your boss told you to take the rest of the day off.

Scene 5.

Start again: You gave birth to a healthy little girl and temporarly stopped the bleeding. You are now rushing to the hospital. You did a great job, you should be proud of yourself.

Scene 6.

Start again: My boss didn't appreciate my phone call to say I was ''sick'', but it's now too late. Let's enjoy the day!

Scene 9.

Start again: This program is definitly not for me. I hate blood! Why didn't I think about it before? I will now look for a new program next year.


Scene 23.

I am now studying Nursing at Montmorency College.

Choice 1: I love that choice, I graduate and get a job in a hospital
Choice 2: I hate it, please help me

Scene 24.

Someone comes to me and asks if I want to do more money.

Choice 1: I say yes 
Choice 2: I call security

Scene 25.

He asks me if I want to be part of a little buisness.

Choice 1: To prove myself, he asks me to steal narcotics
Choice 2: OUCH! Is that a knife?!

Scene 26.

Start again: I got caught and fired. Nobody wants me anymore.

Scene 27.

Start again: I died, I ran out of blood...

Scene 28.

Start again: Security comes and escorts the man outside.

Scene 31.

Start again: Fine, you dropped out of school and you are now looking for a small job.


Scene 45.

I finally got hired at McDonald's, I have a lot of fun. No homework, no hard work, no stress!

Choice 1: I don't have enough money to pay all my bills, I decide to ignore all the advices
Choice 2: I steal money from the cash machine

Scene 46.

Start again: I couldn't pay everything, I had to give my house and everything to the bank.. I have nothing anymore, I sleep on the street and ask for money in Montreal's subway.

Scene 53.

I stole money from the cash machine, I got caught and sued.

Choice 1: I was forced to present myself to the judge

Scene 54.

Start again: I lost my cause and I am now in detention for the next 5 years.


Hypertext narrative template for digital ESL literacy
This hypertext narrative fiction template was developed by Bokomaru Publications and checked for common ESL grammar errors using an online ESL grammar checker and checked for field-related vocabulary using an b-block ESL vocabulary checker.